Class Information
Classes in Lake Mary Senior Center and Lake Mary Community Center
We offer classes at two locations in Lake Mary.
Classes vary depending on your age and also the type of class your wish to attend.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Lake Mary Community Center - All Ages
Lake Mary Community Center
140 E. Wilbur Avenue (off Country Club Rd)
Lake Mary, Florida 32746
407- 585-1416
Schedule Instructor
Monday 10:30 - 11:30 Audra Miele
Tuesday 9:00 - 10:00 Angela DiBenardo
Wednesday 10:30 - 11:30 Audra Miele
Thursday 9:00 - 10:00 Angela DiBenardo
$10.00 - Drop in class.
$40.00 - 5 class card (no expiration)
Lake Mary Senior Center - 55+
Lake Mary Senior Center
911 Wallace Coutt (off Rinehart Rd)
Lake Mary, Florida 32746
407- 585-1466
Schedule Instructor
Monday 9 - 10am Audra Miele
Wednesday 9 - 10am Audra Miele
Friday 9 - 10am Audra Miele
$3.00 - PREREGISTRATION REQUIRED! This is a mostly a chair based class, where there are also standing and
floor poses, however you have the option to remain seated in chair for duration of class.
*Additional Senior Center Fees: City Resident - FREE | Non-Resident Member - $20 yearly membership
Please see Senior Programs for program descriptions and fees.
Please note all class schedules/fees are subject to change.
Know Before You Go:
Yoga is not a competitive sport. Everyone's practice is individual. The instructor will lead the class demonstrating various options. Only do what you can, take breaks as needed and respect the awareness of what your body can give in the moment.
What to eat: Please do not eat a heavy meal 1 -2 hours before class. If you're coming to a morning class please have a little bit of something before. Please hydrate well before class.
What to wear: Loose comfortable work out clothing. T-Shirt or tank top with shorts or pants that are not binding. Shoes are removed in classroom. Classroom is a Fragrance Free Zone so please refrain from wearing fragrant perfumes and products to avoid allergy issues.
What to bring: Yoga mat, towel or blanket and bottled water. Mats can be purchased at many local stores inexpensively. Instructor has extra mats if needed. A blanket or towel provides extra padding where needed or used as a cover-up during rest at end of class.
When you Arrive at Class:
Please arrive 10 - 15 minutes before class. Turn OFF your cell phone. Take a moment to sign in for class and let instructor know about any limitations/concerns you may have at this time. Find a space and set up for class. Yoga cultivates mindfulness, so sit quietly, allowing a few minutes to settle and become more aware of yourself and your surroundings.
Out of respect to your own practice and that of others, we encourage you to please arrive on time. However, if you happen to arrive late, please enter QUIETLY and take first available space. The classroom is a judgement free zone. We encourage you to focus inward on your individual practice so you can get the most out of it, there is no need to look around the class to compare how you are doing.